
Andrea Börner
Sen.Art. Dipl.-Ing.

Andrea Börner is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she directs the Urban Strategies department at the Institute of Architecture (IoA). In teaching and research, she addresses contemporary and future living environments in narration, mapping and film. As an instructor and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program Urban Strategies (2011-2015) she worked on coastal cities at the fringe of Europe - Beirut, Lisbon, Dublin, Athens, and was the project coordinator of the Intra-Island Joint International Master TPAI - Territorial Planning Art, Design and Innovation, New Zealand, Sardinia. In 2016/17 she co-directed two Cross-Over-Studios at the IoA (Energizing Vienna, Urban Ecologies 4.0), and was partner project-leader of the European Mobility Project Active Public Space. In her current research she investigates the spatiality of the sea to revisit questions on the urban condition emphasizing trans-scalar and non-linear imaginaries in architectural and urban thinking.