
Studio 1
Studio 2
Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg
Studio 3
Sam Jacob

Studio Jacob explores architecture as representation. For architecture, representation is simultaneously a technical, cultural and political question. It raises questions about: 1. Who is represented (publics, communities, civicness etc.) 2. What is represented (narratives, symbolism, histories, content etc) and 3. How things are represented (techniques, material, construction methods etc).

We are interested in the medium of architecture itself. We think making is a good way to think and use working through design processes as ways of developing ideas and proposals. We understand ways of drawing, for example, are not only ways to depict the world, but systems that themselves organise the world.

We like drawings and models, we like materials and different ways of making, we like to organise space. We like combinations: History and speculation, the everyday and the fantastical, figures and abstraction. 

We are interested in the kind of architectural meanings these combinations and processes might create. What kind of social proposals might they generate. What kinds of ecologies they might manifest. What kind of cultures they might address.

Through this we explore how architecture can be relevant and imaginative, responsive to culture and context, ideas that are also things (and vice versa).

Studio Jacob acts as a framework that supports ideas developing into projects, finding ways to turn progressive architectural ideas into propositions.
