Barbara Imhof
Dr.techn. M.Sc. Mag.arch.
Barbara Imhof is an internationally active space architect and design
researcher. She is co-founder and co-managing director of LIQUIFER
Vienna - Bremen. The interdisciplinary LIQUIFER team, consisting of
scientists, engineers, architects and designers, works on R&D
projects within the EU Framework Programme, for the European Space
Agency, and with European research institutions and industry.
research projects focus on living in limited and transformable spaces
and with resource-efficient systems. Learning from systems and
principles in nature and integrating biological systems into
architecture describe the second thematic path of LIQUIFER's work.
more than 20 years, Barbara Imhof has taught at various renowned
universities, such as ETH-Zurich, Chalmers University - Gothenburg,
University of Kassel, the Berlin Weißensee School of Art, the
University of Applied Arts and University of Technology, Vienna. She
is also part of the adjunct faculty of the International Space
University and member of the International Astronautical Academy.