Julia Koerner
(JK Design (USA/AUT))
Location: I oA Square
Julia Koerner is an Austrian designer, innovator and pioneer in 3D-printing with exemplary cross-disciplinary work across architecture, fashion, and products. Julia has been sought after forcollaborations that include 3D-printed costumes with Ruth E. Carter for Marvel’s Black Panther andWakanda Forever, earning two Oscars for costume design. Prior to that, she collaborated with Iris VanHerpen and Chanel on Haute Couture 3D printed garments. Furthermore, she has developed researchon innovative uses of 3Dprinting with Swarovski, Stratasys, and Materialise. Her work has beenacquired and exhibited at institutions such as the MAK in Vienna, MET in New York, and PhiladelphiaMuseum of Art; and extensively published internationally. Julia is the founder of JKDesign and recentlylaunched the brand JK3D in LA and Vienna, focused on iconic, sustainable, and innovative 3D printedfashion and home decor products. Her design work constantly embodies a beautiful organic aestheticand leverages the unique capabilities of digital fabrication to their fullest potential. Julia is anAssociate AdjunctProfessor at UCLA in California since2012 and a graduate of the University ofApplied Arts Vienna and the Architectural Association London.