
Sublime Bodies

Matias del Campo (Vienna, Austria)

SPAN’s work explores the opportunities present in the morphologies of advanced design techniques as a launching platform for the design of architectural conditions, simultaneously exploring the discursive implica- tions of the individual projects. Inherent qualities such as spatial articula- tion, components, organization, structure and circulation form the ground for a variety of speculations on novel spatial conditions. The sensorial and spatial definitions co-notated with the manifold qualities of contem- porary, algorithm driven approaches are scrutinized for their architectural qualities. The practice investigates how intensive forces, including solar radiation, weather systems, acoustic forces and wind pressures can be used as means of formation for architectural bodies. SPAN ́s obsessive explorations of contemporary moods are fueled by the opulent repertoire of materialization in nature as well as form as a driving force at large. The underlying presence of curvilinear desires reflects back and radiates in conditions informed by a manifold of cultural lineages such as Baroque geometries, Romantic atmospheres or the presence of the endless in Frederick Kieslers work.