
The Angewandte will admit approximately 50 students from Ukraine who are already pursuing comparable degrees beginning in the 2022/23 academic year, and I oA / the Institute of Architecture will be happy to accept applicants, who hold a Bachelor degree in Architecture in all three design studios. Based on the regulations of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science, and Research, Ukrainian students are exempt from tuition fees.


2 May 2022 12:00 noon until 23 May 2022 12:00 noon

with one PDF containing:
Portfolio (links to video/​audio files, e.g. via Vimeo, are possible)
CV (including recent study programme)
Motivation letter
Information on English language skills

online via https://​application​.uni​-ak​.ac​.at
Announcement of the results: 6 June 2022
More info on the architectural study: https://​ioa​.angewandte​.at/​i​n​s​t​i​t​u​t​e​/​p​r​o​grams

Moreover, interested students can apply for admission as associate students – also within the framework of the MORE program for persons who have fled to Austria.

Link: www​.angewandte​.at/​u​k​r​a​i​ne_en