Final review at Studio Hani Rashid
Guests_Lise Anne Couture, Laurie Hawkinson, Edward Jung, Wolf Mangelsdorf, Baerbel Mueller, Claudia Pasquero, Henry Smith-Miller, Kivi Sotamaa
This semester’s studio topic “Climate Control-Alt-Delete – An Architecture of Remedy, Repair and Reconciliation“ focuses on the possibilities of a future architecture predicated on remedies, repair, and reconciliation. The studio research and design projects will be responding primarily to the proliferation of environmental emergencies that are, for the most part, the result of the climatic risks stemming from a warming planet. The projects will look closely at urban areas already being affected by climate change to develop sustainable prototypes for cities and communities across the planet. The goal is to formulate architectural proposals and planning strategies that embrace symbiotic relationships between urban and natural ecosystems. The studio puts technology and humanity front and center for future architectures that reconcile humanity with sound strategic environmental solutions.