
Unbuildable Tatlin?!

Edited by Klaus Bollinger, Florian Medicus

Vladimir Tatlin’s Monument for the Third International (1919) is certainly one of the most significant projects of Soviet Constructivism. It is, however, not at all certain whether Tatlin’s Tower” could even be built at all at the time it was originally planned. And whether it would be constructed today with the presently available means and possibilities of planning, calculating and processing materials is equally uncertain.

The seminar Structural Design 3 with Professor Klaus Bollinger focused on these reflections at the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The preliminary answers and assumptions are summed up in the present volume.

Complementing the works by students, texts by Klaus Bollinger, Frank Werner, Florian Medicus, Gabriele Werner, Georg Glaeser and Frank Gruber provide an overview of the theoretical, historical, constructive and geometric relevance of Vladimir Tatlin’s work and the architect’s intentions.

Edition Angewandte
ISBN 978−3−99043−307−2
